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paper bag making business marketing

Feather Touch Tissues (FTC) / Uncategorized  / paper bag making business marketing

paper bag making business marketing

Paper bag making business marketing segmentation


We all have needs. And our needs can be categorized into Serviced Needs and Un serviced Needs. This categorization is very important. If you refer to the diagram below, you can think of the concept of needs as similar to climbing Mount Everest. Just like climbing Everest, addressing the four human or business to business needs becomes more difficult yet more rewarding with every step. Now we’ll look at a few examples of each kind so that we can identify the type of need with ease.

Need pyramid

Need pyramid

Serviced Needs:

Known Needs That Are Met and Are Serviced Well This kind of need is simple. It comprises needs that have come up in the past and have been met effectively. Let’s look at a few examples

V bottom paper covers are serving years in market, this an example for serviced need. From medicine paper covers to textile paper covers it already serving the market.

The problem with the serviced need is – when you market on serviced need area, only the price will paly the major role. If someone is selling at ₹80.00 per kg to a customer, you need to break it by giving at ₹75.00 per kg.

Always in the serviced need market the demand on volume increases, but the demand on price decreases. This is mainly because of competition, everyone doing the same. We can diversify according to ansoff’s matrix marketing strategy


Un serviced Needs:

Un serviced needs are needs that are not yet serviced and await fulfilment. We may be aware of these needs (known needs) or we may not even be aware of these needs (unknown needs). Un serviced needs can be subdivided into three categories:

Known Needs That Are Not Met as Yet, or Are Not Serviced Well:

ola uber car rentals

ola uber car rentals

Remember the long hours commuting when you had to drive in bumper-to-bumper traffic to get to work every morning? For a long time, easy commuting was an unmet demand and office-goers continued to suffer as the traffic grew day by day, making it a nightmarish experience to get to work. Finally, Uber addressed this unmet demand and introduced its operations in India. Ola too joined in. We don’t remember driving to work for the past three years. Taking an Uber or an Ola is always more relaxing and convenient. By ensuring that the commute is hassle-free and comfortable, Uber and Ola have increased the productivity of office-goers. Gone are the days of being tired before even reaching your workplace!

Likewise in paper bag / v bottom paper covers:

175 nations agree to develop a legally binding agreement on plastic pollution by 2024, prompting a major step towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions from plastic production, use and disposal. – Read more

Every nation government created the opportunity to promote paper covers and paper bags in favour of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from plastic pollution. We need to educate business owners about the recycling paper bags is not nearly time-consuming as recycling plastic bags.

Plastic bags are hard to recycle, while the paper is easy. While paper bags might only take days to decompose right in your backyard, plastic bags might take 400 to 1000 years to decompose. While collecting compost in a paper bag, you can throw in all the compost and the paper bag in the soil. You can’t do the same thing to the plastic bag because it will only pollute the soil.

Above points are the advantages of using paper vs plastic bags. Plastic bags are a hazard to the ecosystem, and more people put a stop of their use. Paper bags are not only eco-friendly, but they give people a fashionable, durable, and creative

Known Needs Where the User Resists Change or Refuses to Adapt to a Situation:

During the pandemic (COVID-19), sales owners couldn’t meet customers in person. A lot of sales owners got depressed because of this change. In such a scenario, video engagement platforms (Youtube, instagram etc.) enabled sales owners to record videos and share them with their customers. Videos humanize selling in a remote context. While this was a clear need, several sales owners initially resisted this change due to past habits.

Likewise in paper bag / v bottom paper covers:

Customer resists to change or refuse to adapt to a situation for buyers who are already purchasing paper cover’s or some not willing to provide any packaging to their end customer’s, they may think paper bags would cost high, As per ansoff’s matrix marketing strategy we designed the FTC Super deluxe paper cover and paper bag making combo machine

New product for existing market – Product development:

Let take an example of food industry – restaurants, bakery, sweet shops, cafes etc.

Paper cover sizes

Paper cover sizes

Here given the customer using sizes in V bottom and SOS paper covers (Square bottom). As plastic ban on one use plastic usage, the plastic covers parcel for liquid food also changed to recyclable container round shaped. If plastic covers then don’t want to stand vertically on packaging paper covers. But for round shaped plastic containers it should be vertically placed or it will get leaked. This solution is satisfied in SOS paper covers, we can vertically place any food item’s, this is not because of square bottom , this is only because of larger gusset!

With FTC super deluxe paper cover and paper bag making combo machine

You can create new solution at low cost for customers, whatever sizes in SOS covers can be created as V bottom with same dimension. This will support you in creating product development – New product for existing market according to ansoff’s matrix.

isos paper cover sizes

isos paper cover sizes

You may have a question ” Any v bottom paper cover making machine can do this then why FTC?” 

Do research in market who are all using v bottom paper covers and SOS paper covers, do compare the three dimension, it won’t be, We created this type V bottom paper covers with large gusset and name it as ISOS – Indian self opening sacksRead more

Unknown Needs

That the User Is Completely Unaware Of If we take the time to compare our current lifestyle to our life five years ago, we would be surprised at how much everything has changed. A piece of technology that we may use every day may not have been around back then. What has happened here? Some product or service came about and made us aware of a dormant need that we were not aware of and successfully serviced it. These are unknown needs that the user is completely unaware of.

An example for un known need is – Comfort fabric conditioner

comfort fabric conditioner un known need

comfort fabric conditioner un known need

The fabric conditioner market is not necessarily the most glamorous part of the household goods sector. Laundry presents one of the most complex aisles in store with a multitude of brands and variants on shelf.
But a few years ago Unilever was ready to invest in R&D and launch a new high-performing version to gain further market share. It was looking for shelf-appeal to help change consumer dosing habits.
Comfort Intense became a new format in the fabric conditioner market offering a more intense, longer-lasting fragrance, while using less than half the dose of existing fabric conditioners.






Likewise in paper bag / v bottom paper covers:

Some customer may not know the awareness of using paper bag, An emotional approach can encounter the trigger to use paper bags in their shops.

Emotional trigger for paper bags

Emotional trigger for paper bags

If you would like to manufacture all type of V bottom paper covers, SOS paper covers, and square bottom handle bags, multi colour paper bags, Premium paper bags choose the below:

  1. FTC super deluxe paper cover and paper bag making combo machine
  2. Sheet feeding bottom pasting machine

Learn more:

Paper bag manufacturing machine

Paper bag machine

Paper bag making machine



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